Dromedaries knew as Arabian Camels. They occurred in the Middle East and northern Africa. They have only one hump and it stores up to 80 pounds of fat. These fats can break down into water and energy when sustenance is not available. These humps give camels their legendary ability to travel up to 100 desert miles without water. It has been known to travel up to 100 miles (161 kilometers) without water, and it rarely sweats, even in temperatures as high as 120 degrees Fahrenheit (49 Celsius). A very thirsty animal can drink 30 gallons (135 Liters) of water in only 13 minutes. As they live in deserts, they have adaptations such as nostrils close to keep sand at bay and have bushy eyebrows and two rows of long eyelashes to protect their eyes. Large, tough lips enable them to pick at dry and thorny desert vegetation. Big, thick footpads help them navigate the rough, rocky terrain and shifting desert sands. Arabian camels have been domesticated for approximately 3,500 years They can carry large loads for up to 25 miles a day. Some cultures judge a person's wealth based on the number of camels they own. Dromedaries were domesticated as far back as 4000 years ago, for the transport of people and goods, for their very nutritious milk, and for their meat. Its body does not start to heat up until its internal temperature gets down to 92 degrees Fahrenheit (34 Celsius), which, in addition to saving energy, allows the camel to “store” coolness for the coming day. Also, on hot days, groups of dromedaries will rest packed closely together, considerably reducing the heat reflecting off the ground.
Dromedary Camels do not have any significant conservation issues. They are part of human culture in many regions. They are no longer considered as wild animals as they live in free ranges as domesticated animals but under control.
Least Concern
40 Years
Arid and semi-arid regions
1.8 to 2.3 m (5.8 to 7.5 ft)
300 to 690 kg (661 to 1,521 lbs)
3 m (10 ft)
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